Entries by Matt Villano

Growing green kids

My wife and I like to think we’re growing green kids in this family. That doesn’t mean we’re raising aliens. It also doesn’t mean we’re trying to keep them as innocent as possible. It means we’re bringing up our girls to appreciate every aspect of the environment in which they live. Most of the time, […]

The heart of a great exhibit about whales

I’ll remember lots about the new whales exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, but most of all, I’ll remember the heart. The life-sized replica of the blue whale heart. The one that has chambers big enough for kids to climb in. The one in which Little R played […]

Family Travel Association broadens its reach

A few months back I announced my involvement as a board member for the Family Travel Association (FTA), a group dedicated to advocating for family travel around the world. At that point, the organization opened its doors to businesses—hotels, airlines, outfitters, etc. Tomorrow, the FTA reaches another milestone: It opens its doors to consumers—people like […]

Proof that family travel trumps video games

Family travel zealots (including yours truly) have argued for years that experiences lead to greater happiness than material things. Now, apparently, there is scientific data to prove this point. A recent article on the Fast Company website details much of the latest research on the subject. You can read the piece for the nitty-gritty details. […]

New way to keep tabs on the sun

We love being outside on family vacations. In summer, however, this presents two problems: 1) Powerwoman has made the girls completely neurotic about ticks, and 2) It can be challenging to minimize the girls’ exposure to the sun. The first problem is somewhat easy to remedy—in addition to warning the kids not to run through […]

Previewing the family road trip of my dreams

It’s easy to make excuses to put off big trip. We lead busy lives. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Especially for family travelers, it seems there’s always a convenient excuse to cite as the reason for NOT taking the vacation of your dreams. Which is precisely why it’s so liberating to finally say, “No excuses,” […]

The evolution of hiking chatter

As an avid hiker, I’ve spent a good tenth of my life ambulating on trails. Most of those hikes have been alone or with friends. In recent years, however, many have been with different companions: my daughters, L and R. Naturally, the change in partners has resulted in some subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences, as well. […]

Ashton Kutcher feels our pain

In America, for better or for worse, nothing really is news until a celebrity deems it so. With this in mind, thank goodness we traveling dads have actor Ashton Kutcher on our side. Kutcher was gallivanting in Los Angeles with his daughter this weekend. The kid needed a diaper change. But when Kutcher looked for […]

Potty breaks while traveling solo with kids

I travel a ton alone with my girls. And considering that they are developing female humans and I am a grown male, sometimes potty breaks while we’re out and about can be a bit, well, dicey.  Naturally, then, when a reader wrote in recently with a question about how to handle this very scenario, I […]