Entries by Matt Villano

My new family travel obsession: SafetyTat

I might as well just come out and say it: I’m a sucker for a good temporary tattoo. This means I’ve become a huge fan of Tattly for everyday designs. It also means that one of my new family travel must-haves is the flagship (and eponymous) product from a company called SafetyTat. The product is […]

All potty, all the time

We’re deep into potty-training here this month, as we’ve been trying to get R to ditch the diapers and embrace the toilet like the rest of us. She got the whole peeing thing down quickly. Poop, on the other hand, has proven to be a significant challenge. As in, we’ve lost an average of five […]

Dream family travel destinations, by RV

Summer is road-trip season in our family, which means we’re in the midst of planning where we’d like to drive this year. Considering the breadth and depth of this planning process, when Go RVing (and my friends at Scholastic Parent & Child magazine) recently asked me to blog about RVing, I jumped at the chance. […]

The ultimate family travel splurge

It’s fun when you’re traveling as a family to indulge in something unusual. For some clans, the splurge might be a larger-than-normal hotel room. For others, it might be pay-per-view movies, a double-wide pushchair, or mani-pedis for everyone. For us, the biggest indulgence usually is room service. I’m not entirely sure why this has become […]

Dumb stuff people say (and write)

Believe it or not, Donald Sterling—the racist owner of the Los Angeles Clippers—wasn’t the only person to say something really dumb in the last week. Nope, in the world of family travel, Tracey Spicer, a mommy blogger from Australia, scored some serious stupid points, too. Spicer, who has A RECURRING COLUMN in the Sydney Morning […]

‘Storybook’ Yosemite post comes to life

As I have noted here in the preceding weeks, we’ve just come back from our biggest trip of 2014—a family excursion to Yosemite National Park. We took the trip as part of an assignment from Expedia, for whom I serve as (senior editor and) a contributing writer to the Expedia Viewfinder blog. Now—finally, IMHO—my main […]

What to do when the kids won’t fly

We pride ourselves in this house on being a family that can go anywhere at any time. We’ve traveled as a unit to multiple continents and multiple countries. We’re old pros at just about every type of transportation. Heck, our kids have more stamps in their passports than about 90 percent of the population of […]

A family travel Twitter party worth attending

The coolest things about Twitter parties? Everyone’s invited. The coolest thing about family travel Twitter parties? Everyone’s invited AND you can learn neat stuff. That’s why I was jazzed this week to hear about the new #KidsNTrips Twitter parties from (friends and) inspiring family travel bloggers Jen Leo, Colleen Lanin, and Katie Dillon. According to […]

The map of all maps

Despite the fact that we live in an age of GPS navigation and Google Maps, I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for old-fashioned, fold-‘em-up-and-stick-‘em-in-the-glove-compartment paper maps. I’ve raised my kids to know them and appreciate these travel aids. Call me a dinosaur. I don’t care. This archaic obsession of mine has prompted us […]

Doing is believing

There are logical reasons why touch tanks always are kids’ favorite part of the aquarium. The exhibits are at kid-level! They’ve got stuff kids can reach in and grab! Most important: They are one of the only places in the facility where kids can DO instead of just SEE. This last reality is one we […]