The Best Goodie Bags Ever
When family travel is all you know, you can’t help but share that passion with others. Case in point: A writer buddy, Meg Nesterov, who put together quite possibly the coolest goodie bags ever for her daughter’s second birthday party this coming weekend.
The bags, which will be doled out to a handful of kids and even more adults, comprise inflatable Pan Am planes (found on, airplane stickers, airplane coloring books, airplane candle holders, and a kid-sized pilot hats. (Thankfully, the bags will be nothing ike the ones mentioned here.)
As if that lineup isn’t kick-ass enough, Meg told me that instead of a cake, she’ll serve cookie and ice cream sandwiches cut out with transport-themed cookie cutters.
She added: “I’m hoping to find some pilot wings or might try to make my own!”
Meg, her husband and their daughter (we’ll call her V) certainly have become pros at the whole family travel thing.
The family’s trip back from Sicily last month was flight No. 52 (!!) for the little one. The family lived in Istanbul for a while (actually, Baby V was born there). According to Meg, her frequent flier also loves to point at planes in the sky—even when she’s on solid ground.
This, of course, prompted my friend to contemplate what she would have done differently if her daughter had more kid friends.
“If she were older and had more friends to join the party, I might have gone with an airplane pinata and boarding-pass invites,” Meg joked via email earlier this week. Then, of course, she started thinking about next year: “Maybe I’ll start collecting (unused) air sickness bags for future goody bags.”
However Meg plans to incorporate the family travel theme into future parties, color me inspired; we’ll be celebrating R’s second birthday in London this fall, and I might just have to borrow some of these ideas.
What are some of the wacky-but-creative ways a love for family travel has infiltrated your life?