The Pros and Cons of ‘Buggy Boards’
Despite my love note to our umbroller at the start of this London trip, a few weeks ago we invested in a proper “buggy” that was a) sturdy enough to handle cobblestone streets, b) big enough for both of our girls and c) capable of using with a rainshade that would keep the seated child dry.
Because we also wanted the flexibility of being able to shuttle both girls around at once, we bought the used Quinny Zapp (for 70 pounds) with an aftermarket peripheral named a “Buggy Board” (for an additional 10 pounds).
The BB, as we call it, is a cross between a scooter and a go-kart. Essentially, it’s a platform with two arms designed to connect to the pushchair. The thing also has two wheels on the bottom to support the weight of whichever child is standing on it. (For a good visual, just check out the picture that accompanies this post.)
The benefits of using the BB are obvious: It makes it easier to shuttle both kids across town when they both are too tired to walk. It also facilitates adult-speed travel (as opposed to slower speeds, which are common among kids L’s age).
The downsides are a bit more obtuse.
For starters, balance can be tricky, especially if R is in the seat and L leans backward while she’s on the board.
Also, because the board sticks out 4-5 inches beyond the handles of the buggy itself, pushing the buggy with the Buggy Board attached requires a bit of a hunchback impression—a contortion that hurts after about five minutes.
Finally, since the BB’s wheels are independent of the wheels on the buggy itself, sometimes they just don’t turn in the direction you want them to turn.
The bottom line: We use the Buggy Board religiously, and I’m not sure whether I love it or hate it.
Don’t get me wrong; I’d rather incorporate the BB than push around a double-stroller. Still, more often than not, I find myself removing the thing before long treks because I just don’t want to bother with it. This back-and-forth raises important questions about the right kind of equipment for urban travel with young kids. Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers. Do you?
What are your favorite pieces of equipment to use when traveling in cities with young kids?
Your problem (the ‘hunchback’ walking position) whilst using the buggy board could be rectified by adjusting the cotter(?)pin setting. For example, in the picture you have it on the 1st setting , if you put it on the 2nd you effectively draw the board in closer to the pushchair.
It may be difficult due to the handle positioning of a quinny zap but it works for my graco.
Also, you appear to have the maxi version. There is a mini version available which is better for pushchairs as it smaller. The maxi (yours) is more suited to large prams and travel systems.
I own the mini, but have previously owned the maxi and can confirm that the size makes a huge difference.
Thanks for both of these comments, Tasha. If only I had received your advice earlier in our stay! We ended up ditching the Buggy Board a few weeks after the initial post. It was just as well; one of the wheels cracked and the thing was no longer useful…