TFW your kids are obsessed with Embassy Suites
Read moreWe’ve stayed in some pretty nice hotels in our days of traveling as a family. Four Seasons properties. Ritz-Carltons. Fairmonts.

Vacationing with the Spawn of Satan
When everyone in the family is behaving relatively well,…

Waging War on Meltdowns in Mid-Air
From now until Sunday morning, y’all can refer to me as…

The Most Important Skill for Family Road Trips
Family road trips require Mom and Dad to multi-task like…

Managing Temper Tantrums on the Road
Unless you’re raising V.I.C.I. from "Small Wonder", temper…

Managing Restaurant Meals on the Road
Because our brood travels so frequently, we’re often eating…

Sightseeing with the Family, Prefontaine-style
Many families like to explore new cities on guided tours. Others…

A Primer to ‘Get Your Kids Hiking’
My favorite kinds of family trips are those for which we spend…

To Bring or Not to Bring: Car Seats on a Plane
A friend and fellow parent asked me this week advice about…

Managing Passports for Family Travel
One of the casualties of this week’s budget sequestration…